
Compound Filters, Pull Requests + Model History Cleanup, Dynamic dbt Warehouses, & more

April 26, 2024

Compound Filters

A preview of our new compound filter support - flexible AND/OR conditions for specific queries

Alisa TatarinovaAlisa TatarinovaWorkbook, Dashboard

Pull Requests + Model History Cleanup


The launch of pull requests in Omni, including flexibility across dbt schemas and warehouses; also a preview of some touch-ups to model history, like viewing schema model changes

Conrad SlimmerConrad SlimmerModeling, Git, Dbt

URL Restructuring (Launched)

for Tab Reorder Controls

Lots of work into our URL restructuring, building the groundwork for tab re-arranging and more stable dashboard layouts

Eli CohenEli CohenWorkbook

Force SAML Login Mode


Forced SAML login, dropping Google Auth for deployments where SAML is the preferred method of login (and email/pw for admins to recover in case of issues with SAML)

Chris MerrickChris MerrickAdministration

Better Dashboard Foldering UX


Some cleanup on the dashboard saving workflow to select folders to land changes in (rather than always landing in personal folders)

Luke BowermanLuke BowermanDashboard, Content Discovery

Optional Zebra Stripes on Tables


Optional zebra striping for more readable tables

Sarah WatersonSarah WatersonTable, Visualization

Better Icons


Some touch up of user icons, always beautifying across the app

Jared HardyJared HardyDesign, Administration