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Maps, Topic Organization, Schedule Options, and lots o' vis and model improvements

October 13, 2023

Map Visualizations #

Have geo data? Now you can plot it on a map visualization!

Map Visualizations

Topic Organization #

New topic-level model parameter (group_label) to group topics together in the UI, making it easier for end users to find the exact dataset they are looking for.

Topic Organization

Dashboard Settings #

More dashboard stylistic controls. You can now remove tile titles or backgrounds and borders for that ‘floating’ tile look.

Hide tile title

‘Floating’ tile look

More Scheduler Options and Formats #

Choose between receiving the dashboard inline in the email, attached as a PDF, or maybe just a link-only to see the dashboard live. You can now also choose to hide filters on the dashboard PDF or PNG.

More Scheduler Options

Download to Excel #

Now you can choose between CSV or Excel as download options.

Download to Excel

Embed Settings #

When you're trying to get that perfect embedded look, sometimes you just need a few more controls. Now you can set the theme and light/dark mode for embedded content.

Embed Settings

Vis Improvements #

New options for the KPI vis - can now show the comparison number as an absolute, percent, or both!

KPI Visualization

And if you're looking to add a little visual flair to your tables, you can now add in column bars.

Add column bars to tables

We've also made some sizing changes to legends to automatically fit the space much better and prevent legends from being cut off.

Modeling Improvements #

Lots of new model goodies this week!

  • order_by_field - order a field by another field. Great for setting custom sort orders

  • topic level always_where_sql - always apply a filter to any query run on a topic

  • where_sql for relationships - insert a condition into the where clause when that specific join is used

  • query views nest into schema folders in the IDE - instead of query views hanging out solo in the IDE, they'll now be nested into the appropriate schema folder for enhanced file organization